
All galvanising services delivered by TWK Steel are provided in accordance with Australian Standard AS 4680. It is our company policy that before any galvanising works are completed, a joint inspection of the galvanising baths is undertaken by an appointed TWK Steel Officer and nominated client representative.

Demonstrating our commitment to quality, TWK Steel ensures that all galvanised coatings are free from the following defects:

  • Brittleness
  • Pin-holes
  • White rust

Protective Treatment

As part of our commitment to delivering exceptional quality, TWK Steel only use industry recognised paint and coatings brands. We guarantee that all of our painting services are completed in house, providing our clients with a high quality and consistent finish.

TWK Steel have embedded systems and procedures to ensure strict quality control across our facilities and utilise the following procedures to ensure quality:

  • Application of all paints and coatings is completed withairless equipment
  • We utilise brush and roller application methods for all stripe coats
  • Dry Film Thickness between the minimum and 3 times of the minimum specified OT at all locations
  • We comply with all manufacturer guidelines – each new coat is applied before the maximum re-coat time specified by the manufacturer.